Grant Writing is designed to teach the basics of the grant application writing process for students in any field, including those interested in acquiring research grants, grants for non-profit work, or any other type of grant. This class focuses on the rhetorical and audience analysis skills needed to read a request for proposal, as well as the writing style and conventions of grant writing. Students will learn how to identify audience expectations so that they can be intentional about framing a grant proposal application that targets the specific expectations of a granting agency in form, content, and style.
Student Learning Outcomes:
In this class, students will practice grant writing as a process that achieves desired outcomes with the target audience. Student Learning Outcomes for Grant Writing include the following objectives:
• Engage in analytical and critical reading to assess the expectations of a target audience.
• Adapt written content to successfully address the expectations of the target audience.
• Practice writing as a process
• Use style and grammar to communicate effectively with audiences.